Monday, November 5, 2012

November Currently

So, where have I been? - busy, busy, busy!!  I have been so busy with school and life, that I just abandoned blogging.  Well, I am hoping to slowly get back to it.  

To start it out, I thought I'd take part in the November Currently.

Listening:  Well, after having several days with no electricity, TV, internet, phone, etc.  I have the TV on anything just to hear the familiar rumble / noise.  It is sad how much our lives revolve around electronics.  If it were not for my cell phone, I would have gone crazy this past week!!

Loving:  My grand-kids came for a sleepover!!  I love spending time with them.  My Zoe has been here beside me making cookies, cake pops, and cupcakes on the iPad!!!  I have to get some brown sugar so we can make some real cookies tomorrow!!!!

Thinking:  Oh boy!  I still have to get myself together to get back to school on Wednesday.  I have some preliminary plans from last week, but I am just not completely happy with them.  I just need to get something simple down for this week....

Wanting:  I really need to get myself organized.  Once I do that, my planning will be so much easier.  I have a tenancy to make things more complicated for myself than is necessary.  I really do think I have Adult-Onset- ADHD!!!  UGH!!

Needing:  I really need to pick up some black ink for my printer so that I can get some centers and games ready.  This should have been done by now, but I don't want to go to the store.  I am afraid I really will get sidetracked!!

Music:  I am watching Dancing With The Stars - country night from last week online since I had to miss it do to the storm.  I absolutely love Rascal Flats.  Watching Apolo and Karina dancing to Sara Beth is just beautiful!!

Well, off to get something done!! - I think!