After seeing posts about Erin Conden products on other blogs, I just had to check them out. I was not sure I wanted to spend that much on a planner, but I decided to give it a chance. - After all, others were well pleased with theirs. As a matter of fact, I did not find anyone that was not happy with theirs.
It was well worth the splurge! I've just got to share - although the pictures do not do it justice!!!
The cover - it has a hard laminate covering it - and of course it is personalized!
I ordered matching notepads - personalized too - that are peel and stick that I put inside the front cover!
The first page to write on - a place to put codes, websites, and passwords and such.
A place to put special events, and volunteer contacts - then some notes for subs!
One page for all the holidays in the year!
A page to list all the student birthdays!
A place to track abscences - and whether they brought a note or not!
Several check-list pages so that you can track what you want!!
A place to draw a seating chart - a few pages of these to give room for all the changes that get made throughout the year!
Long term planning - curriculum mapping!!! I can see me using this as I work with the Common Core Standards!
A calendar and page for each month of the year to allow for easier planning & scheduling!
The actual planner pages - one for each week of the school year! Aren't they gorgeous?
Several pages for notes!
Various stickers to use in the plans and schedules - pages of them!
Two-sided pocket to store things. And yes - that is a 20% off coupon to use on a future purchase. I already know I want the life planner as well as their markers.
Inside back cover has a clear zip-pocket as well as a year at a glance for 2012 and 2013. Inside that clear pocket is matching personalized complimentary stickers - love them!!
Don't you just love it?!?!?!
It's almost too pretty to write in, but I can see myself carrying this everywhere!
You'll want to check out her website: